Literally. Even though I live in the middle of what most people call Eugene, my residence is one of many scattered unincorporated homes that doesn't qualify for a vote in city elections. So as much as I loved Jim Torrey, as much as I supported Nancy Nathanson, and as much as I detest Kitty Piercy, I had no say in the matter. And even though what happens in Eugene has a huge impact on my daily life, even though I am dependent on Eugene for my fire, police, and other emergency services, even though every decision of the Mayor and City Council affects me, I had no say.
Well, now it's time for my say. Read this website:
I may not be able to vote against Kitty any time soon, but you can bet I will exercise my First Amendment rights!
The Oregon GOP is threatening legal action over use of the elephant logo by the Not My Mayor site. This is just another example of our state slipping further out of touch. Our GOP should be EMBRACING a grass-roots effort like this. Yes, I understand copyright law. Using the logo without permission is a no-no. But why isn't Kevin Mannix standing behind this movement, and blessing the use of the logo? Kevin should welcome this effort and support it, not threaten legal action.
Dear Kevin:
I am a member of the Republican Party. I pay money to the party. I am getting one of the last of the logo stickers. As a dues-paying Republican opposed to Kitty Piercy, I will proudly display it on my car. That's my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to political speech.
Nor will I remove the logo from this website. I am now reporting on this issue as a news-worthy item. I'm continuing to show the controversial logo above as an expression of a news-worthy event. I have the Freedom of the Press on my side.
I just got this issue heard on Lars Larson, so it must really be legitimate news! Let's hear it for Freedom of the Press!
Lars called Kevin Mannix, read my concerns, and got a lame response. Kevin just doesn't get it. I agree that logos should only be used with permission. But how hard would it be for the Oregon GOP to say "we authorize you to continue using the logo on your site and on these stickers; but please get our advanced permission before using the logo again in any other way"?
Support Not My Mayor. Get your free sticker, even if it doesn't have an elephant on it.
Just remember this is the Republican primary and vote for Jason Atkinson for Governor!
Posted by: Daniel Miglavs | Friday, 20 May 2005 at 10:25 PM
IN, IN the Republican primary. Not is. IN.
I hate making typos that I can't fix. It's right there... I can see it... I just can't edit it.
Posted by: Daniel Miglavs | Friday, 20 May 2005 at 10:27 PM
Type-ohs are oj.
Posted by: Gullyborg | Saturday, 21 May 2005 at 10:11 AM
And in the Oregon Republican primary, if it is a two-person race, I am voting for the person who is not Kevin Mannix. In a multi-person race, I am voting for the candidate most likely to defeat Kevin Mannix. You've heard the "anybody but Bush" crowd... I think I need to start the "anybody but Mannix" crowd. Seriously. He has done nothing but hurt the conservative movement in Oregon. He needs to go as GOP chair, and needs to drop out of politics instead of running for Governor again.
How about Feldkamp? He's got a better chance at beating Kulongoski than DeFazio. DeFazio may be a liberal nutcase, but he has all of Eugene in his district, and around here, he is worshipped like a living god (I mean, Gaia). Feldkamp could win.
How about Speaker Minnis? Isn't it time Oregon had a conservative WOMAN in charge?
How about Rep. Nelson? Donna Nelson could be for Oregon what Ann Richards was for Texas (and I mean that in the nicest way!)
What does Mannix bring to the table for Oregon conservatives? All he does is rant about abortion, which isn't even a state issue under Roe v. Wade and therefore irrelevant in a governor's race, which may be red meat for the religious right, but is political suicide (and not even doctor-assisted) in an Oregon general election.
In 2002, Mannix barely won a plurality in a 3 way primary. He got something like 40% of the vote. THAT MEANS 60% OF REPUBLICANS DIDN'T LIKE HIM. How is that kind of "leadership" supposed to rally support against an incumbent? In a two person race, Mannix would have lost to Roberts or Saxton--and we'd probably have a Republican governor right now!!!
Posted by: Gullyborg | Saturday, 21 May 2005 at 03:00 PM
Have you considered designing your own logo? It is not very difficult.
Posted by: Brian | Monday, 26 September 2005 at 12:14 AM