Hello, and welcome to the slightly delayed Carnival of Cordite. Before I say another word, I must apologize for the delay. However, when you read what I have been up to, I am sure you will forgive me. Before you read this week's Carnival of Cordite, please see the previous post. Read it all. Look at the pictures. Follow the links. Then, only then, come back and read this.
Thank you!
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And now that you have done your duty and read the previous post, I'd like to leap right into Oregon politics and the Governor's race. As regular readers know, I have been a big supporter of Jason Atkinson. Well guess what? He has noticed, and sent me his own hunting photos and a fun video for the Carnival of Cordite! Who ever would have thought that political candidates would be seeking out yours truly in such a way?
First off, here are some shots from the field:
That's Jason with Stella, his favorite hunting buddy and a Browning over-under.
This one is Jason and Stella, with a Remington shotgun, waiting for the ducks to come.
Jason and Stella with some good looking ducks!
And here's Jason and Stella with a fine pheasant!
And it wasn't just hunting photos he sent in for the Carnival. He also send me this video of some good old fashioned M-60 rock and roll, along with the following note:
Forwarded this from a friend of mine: one trigger pull ... 850 rounds through a 15,000 round-life barrel. Enjoy!
Oh, I enjoy!
So here is yet another reason why it is important to support Jason Atkinson for Governor of Oregon, and why all you out of state readers should check him out and spread the word about him - the man kills things and likes machine guns!
And how is this different from his Republican opponents? Well, Ronald Reagan always asked us to follow the 11th Commandment, but on an issue this important, I simply must say:
Kevin Mannix claims he is a good pro-gun politician, and to his credit he did help pass a concealed carry law for Oregon a decade ago. But, he has always supported mandatory background checks for private sales and other "progressive" gun laws. And, he drew the wrath of the Oregon Firearms Federation, earning a "public enemy number one" ranking alongside Ginny Burdick, Oregon's most notorious anti-gun democrat.
Ron Saxton also claims he supports the Second Amendment. But Ron is quickly earning a reputation as a liberal masquerading as a conservative and a flip flopper on big issues. So while Ron may talk a good talk on guns, can we trust him?
I'll leave the discussion on other campaign issues for another time. But if you are a single issue voter, I think it is clear that there is only one choice for Oregon's next Governor: Senator Jason Atkinson!
If you like the idea of a pro-gun, pro-hunting Governor in liberal Oregon, then voice your support by voting in this survey right now!
So please, if you are a regular Carnival of Cordite reader, even if you are from a far away state, take a moment to read his website and spread the word - because here in the Pacific Northwest, an anti-gun law is always just one vote away, and the opposition is hiding behind pro-gun language even though they maintain anti-gun policies. We'd hate to see a fairly pro-gun state like Oregon end up like Massachusetts...
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OK, ok, on with the rest of the show!
From hunting, we move on to a sport of a different sort: Matthew Maynard is excited about the biathlon in the Winter Olympics.
If you appreciate the marksmanship, but don't care about the skiing, why not follow the e-postal matches? More here.
Impressed by quick draws? Check out this video sent in by ROFASix!
And for a gun competition of a whole different sort, check out Countertop's Gunnies!
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BREAKING NEWS! As I am working on the Carnival, I received an e-mail informing me that Vice President Dick Cheney was just involved in a hunting accident. Apparently, he accidentally shot and wounded his hunting partner, who is now in stable condition. Story here. I expect many of you to write about this in detail for next week...
This is a good lead into another story on gun safety, courtesy of Les Jones. And speaking of "Glock Butt" as Les calls it... what the hell is up with THIS? FIFTY MILLION in punitive damages for an accident? No, there's no anti-gun agenda there...
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Another new contributor this week, Musings of an Old Man, takes us back to his first experience on the job as a cop. This promises to be the first of many posts on the subject, so keep checking back!
We always appreciate the hard work and sacrifices of our law enforcement. However, Ronocracy reminds us that, sometimes, the police are the problem instead of the solution.
Moreover, we can't expect the police to protect us all 24/7. We need to take responsibility for ourselves. The Civilian Gun Self Defense Blog chronicles people across the nation who do just that. This week, they inform us that just because you are old, it doesn't mean you are defenseless!
Of Arms and the Law is another great source, and this week has several excellent posts. Just start at the top and work your way down!
I have said for years that gun control laws are racist, because they disproportionally affect minorities. Now, No Speed Bumps reveals that even PBS is coming around to this notion.
It is clear that our Founding Fathers liked the idea of the people protecting themselves. New contributor Right Minded, who is a home-schooled teenager, by the way, is doing a history report on just this idea. Please stop by his excellent blog and encourage him - he's one of our future leaders!
If only more people, like South Park Pundit, realized that without the right to bear arms, rights like free speech have no teeth... While some would ban guns, the truth is that we can only achieve peace through superior firepower:
Free speech, guns, peace, new contributor Elisson puts is all together.
And Ronocracy wants you to support the Danes!
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Following up on previous articles:
Wadcutter has more information on falling bullets. This is important stuff!
And it's not just falling bullets you have to watch out for - they ricochet, too!
And don't be these guys!
Here's a follow up we can all enjoy: Blog Idaho has great news about a previously mentioned new state-of-the-art shooting range!
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Gun pr0n!
View from the Porch is here to tell y'all about her house gun:
Be sure to read up on the "do" and "don't" information on how to build an AR for the home!
South Park Pundit is working on an AR:
Oh, did I say "working"? I meant "finished"!
On a lighter note, I need to come up with a name for my rifle. Any suggestions?
How about Dianne?
Meanwhile, if you want to know more about a 9mm AR, then head over to Uncle's and read this.
On the other hand, if you prefer 5.56 mm but don't want it in an AR, consider one of these:
More here.
If you like the size of the 5.56 mm bullet, but the round is too much for you, consider a rimfire! Seriously, it's like a "mini" Carnival of Cordite from Mr. Completely!
Speaking of rimfire, Anthroblogogy has a nice little prayer:
And Irons in the Fire doesn't want to be left out:
Don't worry: he has bigger stuff, too!
Not sure what caliber you want for your 1911? Cogito Ergo Geek can help you decide.
What's better than a new gun? How about FOUR new guns? And what's better than four new guns? How about four FREE new guns? Well, not truly free, as they are part of an inheritance - but still, as Toys in the Attic says, he is a lucky man.
Xavier reports on the Beretta Mini-Cougar:
And while over at Xavier's, check out the S&W 27 and the Colt Woodsman!
Finally, be sure to check out Blogs4Bauer for the "official" 24 viewing kit!
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Blog of the week goes to Mr. Completely, for the number of posts and also for the successful launch of the aforementioned rimfire round up. Good job!
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That wraps up this week's Carnival of Cordite. Next week, I am pleased to announce our first guest host of 2006: The Revolutionary War Veterans Association! Be sure to head over there for Carnival of Cordite #48 on February 17!
If you are interested in guest hosting, please see last week's Carnival of Cordite for more information. And check out our archives for past issues.
Want to know how to submit your articles? Well, the best way is to use the handy Carnival Submit Form! You can use this same form to send your articles in to the many fine blog carnivals out there. And don't forget to check out the ubercarnival!
See y'all next week at RWVA, and until then: keep your powder dry!
Nice Job with the carnival!
I put a picture up in a 'shameless blogroll link bleg' that you might like:
Maybe some one could link it ...
Anyway, thanks for the roundup.
Posted by: USCitizen | Sunday, 12 February 2006 at 08:40 PM
Granted, he bagged a pheasant and not a lawyer, but we want him to be Governor of Oregon, not Vice-President.
Posted by: DANEgerus | Sunday, 12 February 2006 at 11:29 PM
Over on Neal Bortz's website there is a link to Sarah and Jim Brady's comments about the Cheney hunting accident. As someone who commented to Michelle Malkin's reporting of the accident, "Would Sarah rather hunt with Cheney or go for a ride with Teddy Kennedy?"
Bet the lamestream media won't make that analogy.
Posted by: Roger .45 | Monday, 13 February 2006 at 06:41 AM
It's still safer to go hunting with Dick Cheney than it is for a ride with Ted Kennedy.
Posted by: Mac Carroll | Monday, 13 February 2006 at 07:23 AM
Wheew, Jason knows what fun is: M-60 rock and roll!
Posted by: -keith in mtn. view | Monday, 13 February 2006 at 08:23 AM
How's this for a campaign slogan:
Vote for Atkinson: he hits what he's shooting at!
Posted by: Gullyborg | Monday, 13 February 2006 at 12:58 PM
Senator Atkinson for Governor aren't all good Governors and presidents Hunting People Lets Say H Norman wright Book Author hunts and fishes Dr.James Dobson Hunts and fishes and President Bush Hunts and fish,
also I wanted to say Gully when you talk to chicago chicago Needs Jim oberweis for Governor he is like Senator Jason Atkinson here my friend lisa smith who lives in chicago volunteers with her town ship their they do not need Rino Judy.
The Illinois chapter of the Stop the ACLU Coalition will hold our first
monthly meeting on Saturday, February 25th. We will be discussing the
Coalition's goals in general, the ACLU nationally, ACLU issues in Illinois,
upcoming picket in April and things we are and will be doing to slow down
and stop the ACLU. Your ideas and how you can get involved are needed. We
will also let each attendee share their concerns about the ACLU as well as
any personal experiences they have had with them.
Melanie Mills, the assistant to the director, will share briefly about
her experience with the ACLU pertaining to a particular experience she had.
Details of the gathering are as follows:
* WHO: Stop the ACLU Coalition
* TIME & DATE: Saturday, Feb. 25th, appr. 12-12:30 to 3:30-4 PM
* WHERE: Bonanza Steakhouse and Buffet, 1121 Hickox, Lincoln, IL.,
meeting room towards the back
* DIRECTIONS: Take I-55 to Exit 126 and go east on Rte. 10 (right turn
onto Rte. 10 if coming from St. Louis, left turn if coming from Chicago).
Continue about a mile and a half on Rte. 10 (Woodlawn Rd.) until reaching
Rte. 121. Turn left and then turn left again within the next 200 feet or
so, pull onto the frontage road where you will see the restaurant.
* COST: There is no cost to attend the meeting, only for the food,
however, donations of $10 are welcomed (but not mandatory) to help with the
expenses of the Coalition. All meals include their fabulous huge all you
can eat buffet and many are less than $10. The buffet alone is a meal in
itself and runs about $7 per person if you want to skip the steak or other
main dish. Soft drinks and coffee/tea are separate but are unlimited (and
plenteous) on refills. Bring your appetite. This is one place you'll want
to return. We have many times for many years.
The restaurant is Christian run with terrific service and with soft
Christian music played, something that would offend the ACLU.
In addition, we are working to secure (but cannot guarantee) a visit by
one of the Republican candidates for governor of Illinois and the only one
endorsed by the Coalition, Jim Oberweis. If Mr. Oberweis is able to attend,
we will give half the donations to his campaign as a small token of
appreciation for his coming out and will allow him to speak for a short
Posted by: Tammy Brotton | Thursday, 16 February 2006 at 10:25 PM
Hello Gully is their anyway you could send us a copy of those photos
of Jason showing he is pro gun and his hunting this would be good to talk about a few other topics to show how Jason is pro gun the veterans would like that and to show he is a friend of the veterans could u ask Jason a question of how he supports the military our american legion post 75 wanted to know than I could do a story right up for our blog.
sheridan oregon
Posted by: Tammy and Anthony Brotton | Sunday, 26 February 2006 at 06:08 PM