Well, we are fast approaching the most exciting time in the pre-primary season: the Dorchester Conference!
I will be there, taking notes, and spreading the conservative message. I'll also be there to support Jason Atkinson for Governor of Oregon. Why is this so important? Because Dorchester will host a very important debate between the three GOP candidates for Governor, then follow that up with a straw poll. The results of the straw poll can make or break a campaign.
So if you are an Atkinson supporter, make your way to Dorchester. Register NOW, before it is too late. And keep your eyes out for Gullyborg!
I wish I could go :( I went to the website to see if I could pay a small fee to listen to the debate on Friday night and vote in the straw poll but didn't see that option.
It's a long drive there and back from Eugene just to spend 2 hours at a debate, but this is an important election cycle and I think it behooves everyone who can, to attend and see these 3 men in person and judge for themselves the sincerity behind their words.
Having seen all 3 of them at various times, I think people will be very impressed with Jason as a person and a candidate.
Posted by: Vonski | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 11:43 AM
Scratch that. According to the website, "Friday evening is open to the public. Only registered delegates will be allowed in the hall during floor sessions. Dinner tickets are required for the Saturday evening dinner and tent show."
I may have to leave work a couple of hours early on Friday and drive up!
Posted by: Vonski | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 11:47 AM
Just looking at the photo of the 3 candidates, Jason looks like a regular guy, Kevin looks like a sleazy used car salesman, and Ron looks like a doofus.
I expect many in the crowd to come to this same conclusion.
Posted by: anonynous | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 11:48 AM
Vonski, you should register if you can afford it and come back Sunday for the straw poll!
Posted by: Gullyborg | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 11:53 AM
Gully, if there was an option to pay $25 or so for a partial day, I would consider it. To pay $100 for the privilege of participating in the straw poll isn't worth it, IMO.
Wish I could afford to stay there all 3 days!
Posted by: Vonski | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 12:05 PM
So instead of actually making a difference, you are going to pay money to listen to politicians?
Jason proved today, by hiding under his desk, that he will not answer tough questions, by not being on Lars today.
Why would you guys support a carreer politican who is now acting like that Ted K. guy? (think a State Senator is going to change his own PERS plan?Really?)
I will be in Portland so those 2-300 Illegal Aliens don't get all the press. And they will get more Press than this predictable conference.
I wish all of you a good weekend and when you have to speak Spanish to get/keep a job. Remember, I tried to stop it, while you guys chose to kiss Jason's butt.
Posted by: Rick hickey | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 06:05 PM
I don't have to take this kind of crap on my own blog. I fully support your cause and wish you and the gang well in Portland. But the world of politics has more than just illegal immigration in it, and all the people (not just Jason!) who can actually CHANGE policy will be in Dorchester, discussing taxes, land use, jobs, abortion, schools, police, and a myriad of other things that, to most Oregonians, are as important or more important than stopping illegal immigration.
I am sorry you are unable to conduct yourself in a more dignified manner--it really weakens the very cause you are supporting.
Posted by: Gullyborg | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 06:25 PM
So, Rick, are you a paid mouthpiece for someone? Calling Jason Atkinson a "career politician" smacks of Ron Saxton's radio ad campaign. How you can call Jason a career politician is amazing. He doesn't conduct himself as a politician. He is totally just a man who wants to help. And if you honestly think that he's all for giving services and benefits to people who don't have a right to be in this country, you're seriously mistaken. Of the three Republican candidates, Jason is the only one who can actually be taken at his word and make a difference. The other two Republicans are just RINOS...and we can't survive more time with DemocRat governors.
Posted by: HMIL | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 08:54 PM
Dorchestor does make a difference.
It is an annual convention in which the entire conference argues about platform issues and develops a stronger big-tent unity as a party. Arguments will lead forward on every issue from abortion, right to die, gay marriage, civil unions, education, judical prudence, environmental conservation, and every taxation issue under the sun. Name an issue and it will likely be debated.
You'll also argue these points on a floor with the leaders of Oregon's republican party. Rubbing elbows with most of your elected conservatives.
Be apathetic all you want - the Indpendent coalition of Westlund and the Demorats will welcome you with open arms. I'm sure there you'll reinforce your negative world view by telling yourself that won't matter either.
Posted by: DarePDX | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 09:44 PM
Actually I've seen a post like this or similar to it on several blogs. Its obvious that the Saxton campaign is playing dirty and working the blogs with attacks.
Look out for those invoking the 11th ammendment. Its usually the first sign that they are all about negative
Posted by: DarePDX | Wednesday, 01 March 2006 at 11:09 PM
So Gully ... is the GullyBabe going, too? I have more and more respect for her every day ... first she switches parties to be able to vote for Jason in the primary ... and then she goes and marries you! If she goes to Dorchester with you next ... well ... I'll be *really* impressed!
Posted by: HMIL | Thursday, 02 March 2006 at 07:17 AM
nope, not going to Dorchester. I'm sure everyone wil be devastated. I'm on cat sitting detail.
Posted by: gullybabe | Thursday, 02 March 2006 at 12:14 PM
gee whiz, I didn't think that anyone would get mad at me!
I am dissapointed that Jason wouldn't go on the only statewide and #1 Talk show in the state.
These politicians are paid by US, spend OUR money and our supposed to answer to US. I do NOT like the fact of Gov. Ted NEVER answering to the general public and now Jason is doing the same thing? A great FREE promotion vehicle to get elected is Lars show, no matter what you think of him. In fact Lars mostly kept his mouth shut and let US ask the questions. DORCHESTER will accomplish nothing!
Illegal Immigration does affect everything: Schools, Taxes, Crime/Police/Meth/Crack, Healthcare, Jobs, Housing, Taxes, etc. I am dissapointed that so many would rather go listen to people say maybe things they will do, instead of showing them we mean business, so they HAVE to do what we want.
And Darepdx, I am not sure I will vote for Saxton, BUT, He is the only one spending thousand on ads about illegal immigration. B.S. walks, $ talks.
Posted by: Rick hickey | Thursday, 02 March 2006 at 06:26 PM
Lars has demonstrated that he isn't interested in letting any politician address the public. His show is falling in the ratings, is wayyyyyyy behind Hannity and Rush (he is a fool to run his show from 11-2!), and has sunk to the level of the Daily Show when it comes to respecting his guests. Lars is KILLING his own pet issue by being such an arrogant ass about it. And say what you want about Dorchester, but the simple fact is that the very politicians we need on our side to enact necessary change on immigration are all going to be there. You don't win them over by cutting them off at the knees.
Posted by: Gullyborg | Thursday, 02 March 2006 at 09:27 PM
Rick, and there's where the problem lies:
An ad is an image piece. If you're willing to vote for someone just because of the ads you put out, you shouldn't be voting in the first place.
Posted by: Sailor Republica | Friday, 03 March 2006 at 08:59 AM
I agree that illegal immigration is a root cause of many of our current state problems. I do not believe the guy with the most money is the guy to solve the problem. To me the guy with the most money is the one who has kow-towed to the most people and said what they wanted to hear. Don’t we have enough of that problem with our current governor? Money may talk – but I bet its not saying the same thing to everyone.
Posted by: gullybabe | Friday, 03 March 2006 at 10:13 AM
If Saxton is spending money telling you he is hard on immigration, that probably means he isn't. You don't need PR to explain things that are self-evident.
And if Saxton goes on to win the primary, you can bet that come general election time he will be spending money on new ads that say he isn't extreme -- after all, he will need to soften the "hard right" image he is trying so hard to create right now...
I don't need ads, or talk radio shows, to tell me how Jason Atkinson stands on key issues.
Posted by: Gullyborg | Friday, 03 March 2006 at 10:57 AM