Hello everyone!
We are once again (er, still) working at breakneck pace to get our new lives in order. Time for a quick link-fest Carnival of Cordite to tide you over until I get settled in at the new digs. And an important notice:
Next week will be a vacation week from the Carnival of Cordite. I will be gearing up to start using a new internet service provider and will be doing a lot of much needed website maintenance. We'll have a double-issue the week after that.
And now, on with the Carnival of Cordite:
First off, one last Carnival of Cordite shout out to all our readers: this is your last chance to support the Atkinson for Governor campaign here in Oregon before Tuesday's primary deadline. The Oregon Firearms Federation has sent out another important e-mail about this race. Check it out!
Speaking of e-mail, an alert reader sent me this video that shows why it is important to teach kids to tuck in their shirts.
More video from Blog Idaho.
Uncle would like to announce a new forum, The Gun Blogs!
New contributor From My Position has a lot to say about the news coverage of Iraq.
Captain of a Crew of One has the latest Brady outrage. And an outrage of another sort. And how to deal with outrage.
There's a great fisking going on over at The Smallest Minority.
FuggerNutter has a new blog contributor, DeFens, who has already made several great gun posts.
Cogito Ergo Geek has some new IPSC videos for you. And a report on the new Florida "no retreat" law in action.
Is 9mm too small? How about 10mm? Even 20mm too puny for you? How about an EIGHT HUNDRED millimeter?
Xavier explains how you can get a "free" 1911, sort of... He also has a compare and contrast of two of the most popular wheelguns of all time. And he rounds out this week's hat trick with lessons learned from "Stupid Glock Guy."
Paratus is beginning a series on what the future might hold with a liberal takeover of Congress combined with an ineffectual President.
It's been a busy week over at Mr. Completely's:
Check out the awesome Talon air rifle,
Learn the good, the bad, and the ugly about BSA red dot sights,
Follow up here (and more here from KeeWee!),
It's a blogger blastorama,
And introducing the latest and greatest tradition, the "Blogiversary Buy a Gun Day" purchase!
Shakey Pete has plenty of pictures of his six-shooters for your entertainment.
Josh comes to the defense of the NRA. On a related side note: it is very important to understand that, in order to retain certain tax benefits, groups like the NRA simply CAN'T get directly involved in politics. That's why we have separate groups like the Institute for Legislative Action. If you need to know more, let me know and I will teach you the law of non-profit organizations (one of the classes in which I earned my best grades).
Ah, Shoot! broaches the subject of introducing a significant other to shooting. And check out this on spotting scopes.
The Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog is talking the truth about "vigilantes."
No Quarters goes old school on the "chicks with guns" theme.
Then Heartless Libertarian goes new school with some gun-chick blogging of his own.
Michael Bane, as he put in his e-mail to me, is SPITTIN' ANGRY. Read why! Seriously, this is some heavy duty CRAP and heads should roll for the oppressive nature of the "law enforcement" at a public hearing. This isn't just about the Second Amendment. This is also about the FIRST. This is an affront to freedom to assemble and freedom to petition the government!
It was a big week for AnarchAngel:
Learn about carry revolvers (and check out this related gun pr0n from Tam!),
See why you always wear eye protection,
And check out not one, not two, but three posts on scout rifles!
Life with Al demonstrates why it is not a good idea to let the cops think your paintball gun is an assault rifle.
PawPaw has a safety post on working with lead.
And finally, be sure to check out this Day by Day comic strip!
That wraps up this week's edition of the Carnival of Cordite. If you would like to send in submissions for publication, please use the handy Carnival Submit Form from Conservative Cat (you can use this to send your work to dozens of carnivals with a single handy form). If you have multiple submissions, or if you just want to give me some feedback, you can e-mail the Carnival:
c a r n i v a l o f c o r d i t e A T h o t m a i l D OT c o m
Catch up on all your other Carnival needs with Ubercarnival and Blogcarnival. And see our archives at our Carnival of Cordite home page.
We'll see you next week in TWO weeks. Until then, keep your powder dry!
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