Just buy yourself a Barrett .416 instead!
You get comparable muzzle energy and better downrage performance, with less drop and windage due to the increased ballistic coefficient and muzzle velocity. And, it isn't a .50 BMG, or even a 50 caliber round, so all those stupid gun bans the grabbers drafted targeting large-bore rifles have no impact.
(For Sakaki... see comments on previous post)
Now I know that you think of me as a dear friend.
I'll see if I can rustle up some pictures of what a rabbit looks like after a Browning .50 is fired at it.
Posted by: Sakaki | Wednesday, 23 July 2008 at 12:56 PM
better yet, a terrorist after encountering a Browning.
Posted by: Gullyborg | Wednesday, 23 July 2008 at 01:36 PM
Excuse me. He lays down with a rifle (not his) with sight settings (not his) and places a round he hasn't shot before right there on target. Save that bullshit for the rubes. I know the guy thinks he's next to Jesus but give me a break!
Posted by: John | Sunday, 27 July 2008 at 08:31 PM
Actually, he is a former SEAL sniper, he is used to firing Barrett rifles, AND (what the video didn't mention) is that the rifle is ALSO equipped with a laser range finding scope that automatically adjusts for range.
The fact is, if you are a trained rifleman, you SHOULD be able to pick up this rifle/scope package and be on target the first time. It is not about HIM, it is about the product.
Posted by: Gullyborg | Monday, 28 July 2008 at 08:06 AM