Well, here it is, April 15.
Tax day.
Oh, goody!
Meanwhile, across the nation, many thousands of people are participating in tea parties, to protest the growth and expansion of, and oppression by, the federal government.
Just how bad is it? Well, it is so bad that in Texas, just a few days after celebrating annexation, Governor Rick Perry and the Texas legislature are asserting state sovereignty against the federal government. The last time a state got this vocal, the word "secede" was included. I think Rick Perry just became the front runner for 2012. If the last Governor of Texas had taken federalism this seriously, we'd have a solid Republican majority througout federal government today.
Instead, the all-democrat federal government is sounding more and more oppressive. In what can surely be called an exercise in bad timing, the news today is littered with reports about a new Department of Homeland Security report warning us all about dangerous right-wing extremists.
Yes, if you are a conservative, or a Christian, or a gun-owner, or a veteran, or unemployed, or believe in the Constitution or the right to life, well, you might be a terrorist.
Meanwhile, this same department is busy making sure no actual honest-to-God terrorists might be offended.
Big things are happening. Big changes are coming. But I predict things will have to continue to get worse before there is any chance they may get better - and there is no guarantee better things are even coming.
For the first time in my entire life, I am actually, truly, afraid for my country.
Listened to him on the radio the other day.
Posted by: OregonGuy | Thursday, 16 April 2009 at 01:46 PM
Me, too, Gully. Me too. (shaking head) I finally understand why my parents used to say "Come, Lord Jesus" back in the day.
Posted by: MizDi | Thursday, 16 April 2009 at 10:03 PM
Gullyborg, you wrote, "For the first time in my entire life, I am actually, truly, afraid for my country."
I'm with ya'. If I live until September, I will be 50 years old. I started paying attention about 35 years ago.
We've seen the Carter debacle, GHW's new world order hopes, the Clinton mish-mash of worthlessness and quasi-jerry-booting, and even W's out of control spending/entitlements/bail-outs, etc.
But I have never in those 35 years been really AFRAID for my country. I am now. I'm AFRAID not for my sake. Heck, I'll be dead pretty quick anyway. I FEAR for my four sons (and two daughter-in-laws), and what kind of turd pool we might leave them to swim in.
Things will get worse...and I share your doubts that they will get better. MizDi might have hit the nail square on the noggin. "Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!"
I think it was John the Beloved that broke that one off. I'm stealing it from him every night my friend...every night...
Posted by: Andy the Redneck | Friday, 17 April 2009 at 05:28 PM
Gully, things are galloping toward the destruction of our country at a frightening pace! I too, fear for our country and what will be left for our children. My daughter is 25 and is essentially immune to the seduction of "being taken care of". I have a son who I see sliding into complacency and *cough* the hope that what we see with our eyes is not real. This is being compounded by the teachers at his school. We are constantly butting heads about our differences in perception. The teachers are tying the Civil War into what is brewing today. The boy had the gall to tell me that I did not know how bad it was during the civil war, with families fighting against each other. I looked at him and reminded him that he does not remember life without a computer!
Posted by: Melissa In Texas | Saturday, 02 May 2009 at 07:10 AM