Not that there is ever such as thing as good timing for screwing up so badly...
Seriously, when you and your department are under a lot of scrutiny because you are publishing a pamphlet that might encourage veterans in bad shape to commit suicide, it is probably not a good time to accidentally and erroneously tell 1,200 of those veterans they have Lou Gehrig's disease. I can only imagine this mailer:
Dear veteran, we regret to inform you that you have an incurable disease and the rest of your life is going to really, really suck. Here, read this pamphlet...
Red Foreman has something to say about how y'all are doing business in Washington:
Gotta love Red Foreman! I find it interesting that GWB had the booklet removed from use during his administration because he found it repugnant to have guilt for surviving and "being a burden to your family" heaped upon veterans at some of the lowest and most vulnerable times of their lives ... encouraging them to commit suicide? Yeah, totally against GWB's beliefs and against his sensibilities of the kind of treatment and respect our vets deserve.
In walks ObaMao and the booklets are back in use, distributed to our vets.
Good Freaking Grief!
And then this kind of screw-up? Unbelievable!
Posted by: MizDi | Tuesday, 25 August 2009 at 10:16 PM
Red for President!
Posted by: Gullyborg | Thursday, 27 August 2009 at 08:31 PM