Great big faaaaaaaabulous news:
Turns out, Clay Aiken is gay! Gay, I say! GAY!
Wow, who woulda thunk it?
But wait, there's more. MORE!
Turns out, Lindsay Lohan is, too!
Well, color me surprised!
OK, back to important stuff...
OK, I suppose I need to take an afternoon off of work and actually make a blog post about Eliot Spitzer.
All I can say is...
What kind of idiot spends $5,000 an hour on a hooker? What, didn't he shop around for a better deal first? I mean, what the hell? I just spent 2 minutes doing a basic Google search and concluded that a tenth that price seems to get you the finest call girls of the web. Typical liberal politician: just throw money out the window without even checking first to see if there is a more cost-effective method.
No wonder New York State under Spitzer is billions of dollars in the red.
That's all I have to say about that.
For now.
Hey, I almost forgot... it's October, and that means it is once again time for all bloggers to do their part to help fight breast cancer. And to have fun doing it!
I can imagine him saying to his inner circle: "Yes, I am dissolving our government, setting me up to become the world's most powerful dictator, as I was always meant to be; but the people won't notice as long as they are having sex!"
I think Fred Thompson needs to choose a Vice-President who is an expert on Cold War-Era Soviet affairs, someone who knows Russian culture, language, and politics. Who could that be?
Not because it would save the planet, but because it can 0-60 in 4 seconds AND do it without making any engine noise. I bring you, THE TESLA:
Oh yeah, and it looks GOOD, too!
You want to save the planet by making electric cars? Well, I am not going to debate the ecological and environmental aspects of it here. They aren't relevant to this post. What is relevant is this:
If you want to get people driving hybrid and electric cars, make hybrid and electric cars that people want to drive. The Prius is a nice, comfortable, easy to drive car. A lot of people will want it. But there are a lot of people out there who would never be caught dead driving one - not because it uses electricity, but because it is a dork mobile. Offer consumers choices like the Tesla, and you start to tap in to a whole different market. This is a car a Ferrari driver could embrace. Offer more models, increase production numbers, and costs go down. Pretty soon, you have choices that begin to appeal to the Mustang crowd: people who can't spend six figures on a car, but would happily spend a third of that on a car that looks sharp and goes fast.
As for me, I don't give a rip if the car is good for the planet or not. I want it to go when I hit the accelerator, stop when I hit the brake, turn when I turn the wheel, and do it all comfortably - while looking good. Get the price tag on this baby down to about half what it is now, get the battery capacity up to about double what it is now - both feasible goals as production increases and technology becomes more sophisticated - and I'm buying one.
What do my blog's advertisers, the hotties of Maxim magazine, and our wounded troops have in common?
Hopefully a lot!
Check out what one of my sponsors is doing with Operation Grim:
Please head over to Ranger Up and find out how to help. Now... who could say "no" to a face like that?
This news article is presented without commentary, for information purposes only. Please feel free to leave your own thoughts in the comments section.
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