This is a must watch:
The Waco reference really helps put things in perspective.
This is a must watch:
The Waco reference really helps put things in perspective.
What is the difference between Meg Whitman's former housekeeper and Barack Obama?
By now, you have probably heard a lot of GOP establishment elitists lamenting the primary victory of Christine O'Donnell. Now they are attacking her with far greater zeal than they have ever displayed against actual liberal democrats.
What gives?
She is conservative. She is pro-life. She is pro-gun. She is Christian. She is small government. She is anti-tax. She is for free markets. She is against Obamacare. She is against stimulus spending. She is against cap and trade. On pretty much every policy, she is exactly where the GOP platform says a GOP candidate should be.
So why do they hate her? Simple: she is not one of them.
Here is how the elitists - and by this, I mean the Washington insider elitists of BOTH parties, not the average voter, and certainly not the average conservative - see her:
She is an idiot. She is a crazy, insane, fool. She is a bible-thumping hypocrite who until last week was sacrificing babies to satan. She is an ingnorant, stupid, uneducated hick who didn't go to a real university, and who barely even graduated at all. She is white trash. She is a redneck rube from poor breeding mouth breather bitter clingers and not from a nice old money establishment family. She is a lightweight who can't win an election because she has made mistakes in her past, been involved in legal battles, and doesn't have a lot of her own money. And worst of all, she is just a pretty face, a cute smile, pretty hair and fun glasses. Kind of like that other horrifyingly bad candidate, Sarah Palin.
Oh, and speaking of witch which, Sarah Palin rushed in to endorse her and help her win the primary. That bitch witch.
That is what the elitists think. And that is why they hate her. But it isn't why they attack her so much. The attack her not out of hate, but out of fear. And why? Because her campaign is now a referendum on Sarah Palin. And they fear Sarah Palin.
The elites dread one thing more than just about anything else, and that is Sarah Palin becoming President of the United States. They don't fear it because they fear her policies or what she may do as President - well, except for one thing: flushing out all the elitists from power.
The elitists fear that the Tea Party movement will clean house, and all the elitists in power will no longer have power. Plain and simple. And to the elitists, Sarah Palin IS the Tea Party. And Christine O'Donnell is Sarah Palin by proxy. Defeat O'Donnell, and defeat Palin.
So whenever you hear some pointy headed certified smart person claiming to be a good conservative Republican and ranting about how horrific Christine O'Donnell is and how stupid the Tea Party is for nominating her and how she will lose her election, just remember what they are really saying: we hate Sarah Palin, you stupid ignorant bible thumping bitter clinger white trash idiot.
If you believe in what the Tea Party stands for, support Christine O'Donnell. If you think Sarah Palin is your friend and not your enemy, support Christine O'Donnell. If you think it is time to make good on Nancy Pelosi's pledge to drain the swamp, support Christine O'Donnell. If you believe Washington is broken and the establishment elitists are to blame, support Christine O'Donnell.
If none of that applies to you... well... just come clean and admit you want to elect committed marxist and Reid lap dog Coon instead. I'd respect you more if you were at least honest about it.
Pop quiz time.
Which of the following would you say is the greater threat to national security?
A) Radical moslem fascist terrorism
B) Iranian nuclear ambitions
C) Russian opposition to a missile defense shield
D) Childhood obesity
Now, most of you folks might look at this and think "gosh, more than one of those is a real threat... it is hard to pick one out." Well, most of you are obviously stupid, weak-minded fools incapable of understanding the nuance of the situation. Fortunately, you need not worry your feeble little minds, because we have the Obama administration in charge and ready to tackle what is obviously the gravest danger for us. Clearly, childhood obesity is the greatest threat of these choices - not only is Michelle Obama ready to call out this killer for what it really is, but that she is actually going to DO something about it (as opposed to the other three non-issues the administration is ignoring).
So the administration has decided to give 9/11 terrorists civilian criminal trials in New York City. What could possibly go wrong? Oh well, at least it won't be in Los Angeles...
Don't get me wrong. I am certainly NOT saying "give no money to Republicans." What I am saying is "give directly to the conservative Republican candidates you support," and "stop giving money to organizations that will use your donations to support radical liberals like Dede."
Can you hear me now, GOP?
Liberal moonbat "republican" Dede Scozzafava has left the building.
This is of monumental importance. The GOP "leadership" can now do one of two things moving into the 2010 and 2012 election cycles:
1) Embrace real conservatism, which overwhelmingly defeats liberalism, or,
2) Continue to lose elections and allow the left to transform our nation into a socialist state.
Obama will win an Emmy Award when He reads His Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech from the teleprompter on live TV.
Obama will win a Grammy Award for His connection to the now famous video of singing school children going "mmm mmm mmm."
Obama will the Academy Award for best special effects for appearing to deserve more awards.
Obama will win a Tony Award when He gives the next State of the Union address live from Broadway's Majestic Theater.
Obama will win the Pulitzer Prize after announcing a deal to write His "next" (as opposed to "first") book, documenting how awesome He is.
Obama will be named class valedictorian from Oxford University on the great potential He shows as a possible future student.
Finally, next year, Obama will win a second Nobel prize, but this time for Physics, for His role in the groundbreaking new research into the "nothing equalling everything" grand unification theory.
Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for less than twelve days of work. This is not a joke.
I believe we can now OFFICIALLY consider every other award of this prize as meaningless. Of course, some of us said that when Carter won.
Wow... now Obama REALLY IS another Carter!
I am a Renaissance Man!
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