Folks, this here is what we call a "tipping point."
Yes, that is the actual cover of Newsweek - NEWSWEEK! - that hits stands tomorrow. You can read it online here.
This marks the first time I can think of that a major establishment news source has printed anything remotely like this - even though millions of readers and viewers agree. The mainstream press has been completely in the tank for Obama - and suffering nightmarish declines in ratings and readership as more and more regular people recognize the partisan cheerleading for what it is and tune out.
It starts with Newsweek. This will be a big selling issue. And now that the dam has started to crack, other news media sources will start to publish their own hit pieces on Obama, in order to keep up and remain relevant. Thanks to Newsweek, now other sources can run critical pieces without sticking their necks out to be first. And this comes on the eve of the Republican National Convention, which will provide plenty of fodder.
Momentum has shifted - big time. Write this day down in your history books. This is the moment that Obama's fate became sealed. He will lose. Now the question is no longer "will Obama get re-elected?", because he won't. Instead, the question becomes "how big a victory will the Republicans have?"
Very soon.
Well, there you have it:
As you can see from my earlier post, I was wrong. Romney, however, was right. Ryan is an unbelievably great candidate. In my earlier prediction, I didn't consider Ryan simply because I didn't believe Romney would be bold enough to choose him. I am glad to be wrong!
Ryan is the best possible choice for transforming government. I don't just mean reforming. I mean TRANSFORMING. Government has grown so much and is so far from what the Founders intended, mere reformation is not enough.
Ryan is a man of policy and ideas, not simply someone who fills in important boxes on a checksheet. I was afraid Romney would bow to pressure from certain demographics, and think he had to choose a running mate in order to appeal to "the Hispanics" or "the women" or "the evangelicals" or "the South" or "Ohio." Nope. Romney chose a man based on principles of policy and ideas. This signals two important things:
1) Romney is a man who will govern according to the principles of policy and ideas, and,
2) Romney is confident he can win with these principles, instead of needing to rely on "the Hispanics" or "the women" or "the evangelicals" or "the South" or "Ohio."
In other words, this choice exudes both principle and confidence in principle.
This is a good day for America. A VERY good day. Up until now, I was only hopeful that Romney could beat Obama because people dislike Obama more, and then Romney would simply not be as bad. Now, I am hopeful Romney and Ryan can beat beat Obama and Biden because America WANTS Romney and Ryan, and that together they will repair our nation.
There is a lot of talk today about Condi Rice for VP. I like Condi and all. But it won't be her. She is perceived as a moderate - probably unjustly so, but the fact is, on some social issues, she is distrusted by the conservative base. This conservative base is already skeptical of Romney, so Romney needs a reassuring pick, not a controversial one in this regard. She is also closely associated with the Bush administration. Now remember, for the most part, I liked Bush. This is not a bad thing for me. But Obama wants to run against the last two years of the Bush administration - two years that went south, largely because Pelosi and Reid were running Congress... but I digress. Romney needs to be able to say that he would not be just another Bush Republican. Condi on the ticket negates that. Finally, unlike most other politicians who say it, when she says she never wants to run for office, she convinces me. So who should Romney choose? I say, Bobby Jindal:
Jindal would be perfect for many reasons:
1) Let's get the obvious out of the way - Jindal is an Indian-American, and Romney is a boring white guy. Jindal on the ticket would be abother historic first, and would forever change the race debates in this nation. The GOP would no longer be the white people party. And it would highlight the racial double-standard of the left: to liberals, if you are black or Mexican, you are a special minority. But if you are Asian, you are nothing to them. However, Asians have just surpassed hispanics as the fastest growing immigrant group. They are an important voting bloc, and have been largely ignored by politicians across the country. This would be big. Real big.
2) Jindal is both the second coming of, and at the same time, the polar opposite of, Sarah Palin. Palin and Jindal agree on most issues, excite the tea party and conservative base, and break ground as historic minority figures. Jindal would add needed fire to the Romney campaign as Palin did for McCain. But elites hated Palin, unfairly, because she is a "low brow" figure who took more than four years to graduate from a podunk state college and went on to do things like work on fishing boats instead of working at law firms, universities, or major corporations like "respectable" people. Jindal is at home with blue collar working class folks, but has elite cred up the wazoo (see below).
3) Jindal would be one of the most intelligent, best educated candidates on a ticket - just like Romney. Obama fans brag about his Harvard Law degree and tenure as a professor. Well... Romney graduated with honors from Harvard Law AND Harvard Business. He needs a running mate with similar achievement, to avoid diminishing his own. Jindal graduated from Brown with honors (double majoring, in just three years), then went to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, graduating with a Master's degree in Political Science, and was a consultant for McKinsey and Company and president of University of Louisiana - that's real brains, with the paper to back it up. It would be impossible for anyone to say with any credibility that the Republican Party is the "stupid" party with Jindal on the ticket alongside Romney.
4) Jindal has government experience and executive experience that defies belief for someone so young. Jindal was the head of Louisiana Health and Human Services, president of University of Louisiana, assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Congressman, and Governor of Louisiana - all before age 40. He is younger than I am by a year. I feel so pathetic in comparison! Romney's big advantage - his private sector experience - is also a weakness in that people expect a President (especially after the Obama nightmare) to have extensive experience running GOVERNMENT. Romney has only his one term as a governor; adding Jindal to the ticket would add incredible balance in that regard.
5) Jindal excites the tea party. Romney doesn't. A Romney-Jindal ticket unites the big tent of establishment GOP, moderates, conservatives, and the tea party. Romney needs that.
6) Jindal is right on the issues. He favors limited federal government, states' rights, low taxes, less regulation, secure borders, life, liberty, guns, babies, God and country. Jindal is top rated by Right to Life, the NRA, and Club for Growth. He has the right vision for America, and will help reassure those on our side who fear Romney lacks a conservative vision or core conservative principles.
7) Jindal has experience that Romney lacks. Jindal served on the Homeland Security Committee in Congress and has national security expertise. This helps make up for a significant Romney weakness while the U.S. is still engaged in the Global War on Terror and faces new threats from the likes of Iran.
8) Jindal is a turn-around specialist, like Romney, but with government instead of private business. As head of Louisiana HHS, Jindal wiped out a $400 million deficit and created a $200 million surplus. As governor, he rescued his state's credit rating. He has the same vision for rescuing failing organizations with sweeping changes for improved efficiency as Romney - but has experience doing it with failing governments.
9) Jindal's greatest area of expertise is healthcare policy. The GOP is running on repealing Obamacare. The left keeps saying the GOP has no vision for replacing it. Romney's greatest weakness is that he implemented Romneycare as governor. Having Jindal on the ticket demonstrates a commitment to making actual healthcare REFORM, and not just Obamacare repeal, a top priority.
10) Jindal is Catholic. Romney is Mormon. Many voters will not support a Mormon. The Catholic Church has been, historically, one of the most critical anti-Mormon organizations. A Mormon-Catholic ticket would be an incredible thing, more so (in my opinion) than a Mormon-Protestant ticket. While there are many Protestant evangelicals who will not support Romney, I believe their biggest problem with him isn't religion so much as perceived weakness on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, and gun control. Jindal would do more to help with this than probably any Protestant other than Mike Huckabee - and Huckabee would do more harm with tea party conservatives than he would help with social conservative evangelicals.
11) JIndal has been vetted. He has been elected and re-elected congressman and governor. Louisiana is a tough state for politics. If there was dirt on Jindal, it would have already derailed him.
12) Jindal has handled crisis. He succeeded in leading during the Gulf oil spill and Hurricane Gustav when other states failed, and in stark contrast to Katrina before he became governor. When the 3 a.m. call comes, Jindal will have a cool head and get right to work solving the crisis.
13) Unlike some other potential candidates, Jindal was not in Congress during the end of the Bush years, and therefore does not have a TARP vote to rationalize! He has congressional experience (important, as VP is also President of the Senate), but without a long history of bad votes to drag him down.
14) Jindal has a strong family story. He is the child of immigrants. His parents came to America to make use of their education in a free country. His siblings are all successes. His wife is a chemical engineer with an MBA working on her PhD. Everyone in the family has strong personal values. There won't be any embarassing uncles showing up drunk or children being born out of wedlock.
And that brings up something that needs discussed: there is a lunatic fringe of the birther crowd who will claim Jindal is not eligible under the Constitution. Let's just clear this up. HE IS. Jindal was born in the United States. His parents came to America legally, under a visa, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Anyone saying otherwise is a fool, allowing a non-issue to distract us from the REAL issue at hand: Obama, whether born in Hawaii or not, is a FAILURE as President who must be replaced because of his bad policies.
So that's my take. Jindal would be best. You can agree or disagree. But regardless of who Romney chooses as his running mate, my vote is with Romney to defeat Obama. I hope you and I can agree on that!
This is a must watch:
The Waco reference really helps put things in perspective.
By now, you have probably heard a lot of GOP establishment elitists lamenting the primary victory of Christine O'Donnell. Now they are attacking her with far greater zeal than they have ever displayed against actual liberal democrats.
What gives?
She is conservative. She is pro-life. She is pro-gun. She is Christian. She is small government. She is anti-tax. She is for free markets. She is against Obamacare. She is against stimulus spending. She is against cap and trade. On pretty much every policy, she is exactly where the GOP platform says a GOP candidate should be.
So why do they hate her? Simple: she is not one of them.
Here is how the elitists - and by this, I mean the Washington insider elitists of BOTH parties, not the average voter, and certainly not the average conservative - see her:
She is an idiot. She is a crazy, insane, fool. She is a bible-thumping hypocrite who until last week was sacrificing babies to satan. She is an ingnorant, stupid, uneducated hick who didn't go to a real university, and who barely even graduated at all. She is white trash. She is a redneck rube from poor breeding mouth breather bitter clingers and not from a nice old money establishment family. She is a lightweight who can't win an election because she has made mistakes in her past, been involved in legal battles, and doesn't have a lot of her own money. And worst of all, she is just a pretty face, a cute smile, pretty hair and fun glasses. Kind of like that other horrifyingly bad candidate, Sarah Palin.
Oh, and speaking of witch which, Sarah Palin rushed in to endorse her and help her win the primary. That bitch witch.
That is what the elitists think. And that is why they hate her. But it isn't why they attack her so much. The attack her not out of hate, but out of fear. And why? Because her campaign is now a referendum on Sarah Palin. And they fear Sarah Palin.
The elites dread one thing more than just about anything else, and that is Sarah Palin becoming President of the United States. They don't fear it because they fear her policies or what she may do as President - well, except for one thing: flushing out all the elitists from power.
The elitists fear that the Tea Party movement will clean house, and all the elitists in power will no longer have power. Plain and simple. And to the elitists, Sarah Palin IS the Tea Party. And Christine O'Donnell is Sarah Palin by proxy. Defeat O'Donnell, and defeat Palin.
So whenever you hear some pointy headed certified smart person claiming to be a good conservative Republican and ranting about how horrific Christine O'Donnell is and how stupid the Tea Party is for nominating her and how she will lose her election, just remember what they are really saying: we hate Sarah Palin, you stupid ignorant bible thumping bitter clinger white trash idiot.
If you believe in what the Tea Party stands for, support Christine O'Donnell. If you think Sarah Palin is your friend and not your enemy, support Christine O'Donnell. If you think it is time to make good on Nancy Pelosi's pledge to drain the swamp, support Christine O'Donnell. If you believe Washington is broken and the establishment elitists are to blame, support Christine O'Donnell.
If none of that applies to you... well... just come clean and admit you want to elect committed marxist and Reid lap dog Coon instead. I'd respect you more if you were at least honest about it.
Wow... this makes no sense to me.
Anyone else see the irony of harshly attacking a fellow Republican for... harshly attacking fellow Republicans?
Seriously, though: I strongly believe in Reagan's 11th Commandment - but you have to draw a line in the sand SOMEWHERE, where you say "once you cross this line, as far as I am concerned, you are no longer a Republican worthy of the 11th Commandment." Where is that line? Well, it varies for all. For Bob, it was supporting the largest tax grab in Oregon's history. I can respect that. That's a well defined line.
If you have no line, then what is to stop democratics from just saying "oh yeah, we're Republicans now" and demanding party support?
Draw your line - and defend it!
Jack, it is time for you to realize: the era of playing nice is over. We are in the greatest crisis most of us (all of us born after 1945) have ever experienced in our lifetimes. Playing nice will destroy America. We need to fight hard and win without any more "compromise" pushing America further to the left towards the precipice of outright socialism.
Don't get me wrong. I am certainly NOT saying "give no money to Republicans." What I am saying is "give directly to the conservative Republican candidates you support," and "stop giving money to organizations that will use your donations to support radical liberals like Dede."
Can you hear me now, GOP?
Liberal moonbat "republican" Dede Scozzafava has left the building.
This is of monumental importance. The GOP "leadership" can now do one of two things moving into the 2010 and 2012 election cycles:
1) Embrace real conservatism, which overwhelmingly defeats liberalism, or,
2) Continue to lose elections and allow the left to transform our nation into a socialist state.
I am a Renaissance Man!
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